This Brookings Institution report ranks Greensboro-High Point as the second-most-vulnerable metro region to job loss due to AI and robotics. Winston-Salem is number six.
This WSJ article takes a closer look at how those losses might occur in a warehouse/distribution economy.
Brookings makes a decent effort to discuss solutions, but it's hard to see where the political will to implement them is going to come from.
Last year I discussed this country's readiness for the changes that already are well underway with MIT's Eric Brynjolfsson. He told me, "We should be doing a better job of preparing ourselves. Instead, we’re impoverishing ourselves. It’s a shameful public-policy failure."
North Carolina and its local governments need to make this a top priority.
Tick, tick, tick...
Hello from Typepad!
Posted by: Account Deleted | Feb 10, 2019 at 10:50 AM
Where were you 2 years ago?
Posted by: Billy Jones | Feb 15, 2019 at 11:46 AM