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« Repeal losing appeal | Main | Congrats to Annie Penn »

Jun 02, 2014


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Andrew Brod

Great, now I'm going to worry about Shrek attacks.


Know any internet trolls?


While we didn't need net neutrality regulations for the simple reason that it was already neutral, we do not need to its opposite either.

Leave the net alone.

Andrew Brod

In a hotel recently, I encountered a version of net non-neutrality. The in-room wifi was free, but I could pay a fee to get faster access.

Ed Cone

Nitwit, if the carriers plan to break net neutrality -- if they will not "leave the net alone" -- what options other than regulation do you see?


"Gov. McCrory signs bill into law clearing the way for fracking in North Carolina"

Andrew Brod

Get ready for complaining about Ed not "covering" that story on his blog.

Ed Cone

We're probably due for a fracking NC update here, given recent developments, although as an extremely part-time blogger I think there's more value in being early to a story (first post in this category was in 2008) than saying "I continue to think this now-mainstream story is bad news."

But this thread is about the potential death of net neutrality, so let's stick to that here. Thanks.

Nitwit, if the carriers plan to break net neutrality -- if they will not "leave the net alone" -- what options other than regulation do you see?

It's not the carriers doing it, it's the FCC.

Net neutrality previously went nowhere because it was a solution to a problem that did not exist.

In steps to FCC to rectify that. Now the problem net neutrality was intended to solve exists... due to the FCC.

Step out. Leave the net alone.

Ed Cone

So your idea of leaving the net alone includes allowing cable companies to throttle services per the Netflix example shown in the clip?


This is the result of an FCC rule change, no?

Ed Cone

A change forced upon the FCC by the court. The call now is to figure out a way to restore the status quo ante (and ultimately to enshrine neutrality in law).


So you admit that the corporations are not just "break(ing) net neutrality", that they were not doing so during the net neutrality debate, and have only now been allowed to do so?...By the court.

I missed the court bit...
I'll read deeper on that.

Ed Cone

The rules have changed, and now carriers can throttle.

The issue at hand is finding a way to restore the previous restriction on non-neutral carriage.


I suppose my point is that there was a push for net neutrality when the FCC rules were in place. Why?

Ed Cone

Because the legal and regulatory structure supporting net neutrality was somewhat flimsy and in need of a firmer footing, putting the net as we've known it at substantial risk.

As is now clear to all.


Editor's note: Comment redacted. George, you've been asked in this thread to stay on topic. Please do so. Thanks.

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