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Jan 22, 2014


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Interesting that the letter writer chose to start the first three paragraphs with "I".

Is he trying to tell us something?

Chip Berry

“I Believe the Children” bumper stickers were still common in Manhattan Beach when I moved to California in the late 1980’s. Among the claims we were to believe was that rabbits and other pets were sacrificed by men in black robes on the altar of the bucolic Saint Cross by the Sea Episcopal Church. Despite warnings from well-intentioned neighbors, we chose to join the Saint Cross parish and sent our young children to the Sunday school and the mothers morning out program. We would have had no reservations sending Katie and Walker to their preschool, had it not been closed during the hysteria. Father Eales, the church staff, and congregation all were battered by the absurd allegations, yet I’ve never met such warm, friendly, and caring people.
Moral panics are fueled by sensationalist media, and I would argue that the environment today is ripe for a repeat of the type of hysteria experienced in the 1980’s. I’m not sure we really do live in calmer times.

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