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« Bubbly water | Main | Fragment, shored »

Aug 28, 2012


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Good for Greensboro!


Piloting it at Commerce Place? How about the empty YWCA lot next the CAC and CCP?


How much revenue could food trucks remove
from the pockets of downtown business owners
and the owners of the commercial properties
that pay extra taxes to DGI?

If food trucks are allowed to directly compete
with with restaurants downtown
and their isn't enough business to sustain profitability,
how could some downtown businesses not go under
and the property owners get hurt
especially since their taxes went up in the last revaluation?

How much revenue could be lost
that supports the restaurant jobs of those working downtown
if many stop eating lunch etc... at thier establishments?

Why would anyone want to open a restaurant downtown
if another could buy a food truck, pay much lower taxes
and can move on if the competition gets too tough?

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