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May 29, 2012


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formerly gt

Hell hath no fury like a liberal scorned.

Ed Cone

Adding...specific stories about these series that might interest local readers include the roles of Tim Duncan, Danny Green, and Shane Battier, and the draft lottery and its implications for pro ball in NC.

Andrew Brod

Regardless of the N&R's decision to run it, that's one odd column. It's all about what some former minor-college/European pro player thinks about the NBA. I'm sure there are people whose opinions I'd value less than this guy's, but there sure are a lot whose opinions I'd value more.

And then there's the N&R's decision to run it, which compounds its weird randomness.


Sports Illustrated just ran a very interesting profile of Duncan, who would seem to embody the kind of basketball the former Falcon is pining for.

More like that, please.

Ed Cone

It's also odd that the alleged trend toward dirty play requires a caveat that the writer and his single source are not making a criticism based on race, and that the proof of this color-blindness is that white players were even dirtier long before this alleged trend ruined the NBA.

FWIW, last week some sports talk guys were saying that the NBA is much less rough and tumble than it used to be.


That article is really about a former college basketball player coming to grips with the fact that he will never play professional basketball in the United States. Rather than owning up to the fact that he's not that good and no one will remember the heroism he executed in that epic win over DePaul in the NIT quaterfinals back in 2007, he's employing self talk to convince himself and others that the real professional hoopsters ball it up in Germany, not the USA. Sad, really, but at least he's at peace with himself. Why the N&R had the urge to reprint it and why it was written in the first place is beyond me.


Ed, remember when we used to watch the Celtics/Lakers in the early 80s? Someone would always get clotheslined in the first game or two of those series. In my mind's eye, I can see Rambis doing it and Worthy having it done to him. Now, a player would be suspended for those kinds of fouls.

Account Deleted

You mean like this and this? I skipped the Pistons/Celtics because there are too many to recall.

How about that Larry Bird. I hated him but man he was good.

Ed Cone

And back to that first sentence about the great conference matchups -- I was thinking of those Sixers-Celtics battles to get out of the East when looking for comparisons.


At least no one got bit, love it.

Andrew Brod

Here's a less angry piece about the NBA.

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