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Apr 28, 2012


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The guy who wrote it is, appropriately, getting a Medal of Freedom.


Are you referring to the festival itself or Hendrix as headliner?

Ed Cone

This performance of this song. It's the reason they had the Renaissance.


Wow. I need to get some sleep. I spent way too much time thinking about the merits of such an argument.

Account Deleted

"Yeah I know I missed a verse ... don't worry."

Would love to have heard the arguments. I can see some of it ... Hendrix interpreting Dylan interpreting his move into rock and away from folk for folk's sake. Hendrix fresh in the glow of his debut with the Experience, before the road and the business wore him out, before he got undeniably cynical and wrapped up in stardom just before the flame out. A black man in 1967 fronting a pop band backed by two white guys, fresh from the Chitlin' Circuit and learning the game with Little Richard, his deep R&B roots mixed with the best of London psychedelic post-mod fashion complete with the Bob Dylan haircut. What would Foucault say?


IF this was the "high point of western culture," what's the low point or the start of its decline? Sympathy > Meredith Hunter > Under My Thumb @ Altamont? David Hasselhoff at the rubble of the Berlin Wall? Phil Collins and Elton John destroying their legacies by doing Disney shit? Woodstock '99? American Idol (Actually, that's probably rock bottom.)? Also, Otis Redding > Jimi Hendrix @ Monterey Pop. Otis didn't need the ridiculous outfit and lighter fluid.

Account Deleted

You're not seeing Ed's point about the collage of influences represented in this particular performance.


@Jeff: Thanks, I just got it. Mind = Blown.

Ed Cone

Also, he can play that guitar just like ringing a bell.


IF this was the "high point of western culture," what's the low point or the start of its decline?

Punk. The beginning of the less is more, worse is better movement.

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