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« Two cheers | Main | Real Americans »

May 21, 2010


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David Hoggard

But, but, that story came from Public Radio. Aren't they supposed to be cheerleaders for all things that emanate from the Democratic Party?

The horrors! Public Radio exploring and reporting on shenanigans of Democrats! What's this world coming to. Kinda puts to question that whole "liberal-media-instrument-of-the-left" thing.

Roger Greene

Yes Hoggard we all welcome the breath of fresh air. Also, does anyone believe de facto governor Basnight really didn't know where it came from? His record for honesty is known. This is the same guy who helped push through a Dare county bridge project that surprisingly had as one of its subcontractors named Basnight Construction. When called about it he said he hadn't been involved with the company for 10 years. Of course, he had just the prior fiscal year signed the annual P and L statement. So, a little more skepticism about his version of the truth would have me more convinced of the media's having dropped the pom poms.

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