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Mar 15, 2010


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And these "regular folks" are "just making themselves heard" too, right?

"ACORN and HCAN are linked by left-wing philanthropist Drummond Pike, who heads the nonprofit Tides Foundation/Tides Center. As the tax disclaimer for HCAN discloses, 'HCAN is related to Health Care for America Education Fund, a project of The Tides Center, a section 501(c)(3) public charity.' For decades, the Tides Center and its parent organization, the Tides Foundation, have seeded some of the country's most radical activist groups of the left, including the communist-friendly United for Peace and Justice, the jihadist-friendly National Lawyers Guild and the grievance-mongering Council on American-Islamic Relations.'

...The memo outlines the ACORN/HCAN partnership and their strategy of opposing any programs that rely on 'unregulated private insurance' -- and then parlaying political victory on government-run healthcare 'to move our ACORN agenda (or at least part of it) with key electeds that we might otherwise not be able to pull off.'

The objective, in other words, is to piggyback and exploit Obamacare to improve and protect their political health. The 'grassroots' movement is not about representing Main Street. It's about peddling influence and power at 1825 K Street."


Ed links to the NYT and Bubba links to Michelle Malkin banging on her Scary Black People drum.


Have you been able to get a statement from the GSO CoC as to their position and how much of their (my) money goes to the national org that's leading this ill-thought-out charge?


"Big pharma is spending on the other side"?? Huh?


"Ed links to the NYT and Bubba links to Michelle Malkin banging on her Scary Black People drum."

In other words, you have nothing of substance with which refutes Malkin's information.

Don't you just love how corbs trys to marginalize substantive and relevant facts when it doesn't suit The Agenda?

Ed Cone

Lex, re big pharma spending on the side opposite the CoC et al:
An alliance of groups supporting the health care plan [...] had been spending far less and focusing on fewer districts. But after pharmaceutical companies made a $12 million investment for a final advertising push, spending by both sides for the first time is now nearly the same.

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