McCain announces new GOP strategy: Obstructionism.
Not quite sure how this is different from the brilliantly successful Waterloo plan already in effect.
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I guess they like limb walking.
Posted by: justcorbly | Mar 23, 2010 at 09:33 AM
The Party of No, which became the Party of "Hell no" on Sunday (the Christian sabbath no less), has now become the Party of Forever No.
Posted by: Dave Ribar | Mar 23, 2010 at 11:22 AM
Yeah, WTF does an old fart like John McCain know about America? I mean it is not like he put his life on the line to fight for his country or braved life-threatening injuries while in a POW camp just on the thought of coming home one day.
Yeah, screw those old farts. We bribed everybody in sight and got the three votes we needed to pass the panacea that will finally keep every poor baby from dying and give every Tom, Dick and Harry access to Mayo Clinic-level health care and we really stuck it to the fucking rich! Yes! And those drug companies that have been raping the American people, we got them by the balls.
We'll get the banks and social security next because all the Repugnicans have is hate and old men and no ideas!
Yes! Yes!
Sing it on the floor of Congress:
"Yes we can! Yes we can!"
Posted by: Account Deleted | Mar 23, 2010 at 11:34 AM
It's possible to honor McCain's service to our country without agreeing with everything he says, or giving him a pass on politics as usual.
In fact, voters did so pretty decisively when he ran for President.
Not sure what "we'll get the banks and social security" means -- I'm for sensible regulation of the financial sector, and a prudent evaluation of Social Security, aren't you?
Posted by: Ed Cone | Mar 23, 2010 at 11:45 AM
@Ed:"Not sure what "we'll get the banks and social security" means"
Comrade, come now, you must know we have our ways. We will bribe the unions and any other special interest sub-group (SISG) of the DNC with line items in the manager's amendment and squeeze as much tax as possible out of the rich (those bastards again!). We will issue a rebate to other SISGs to make sure they are mollified.
Meanwhile, we continue to inflame the right-wing loonie bin so we can paint the entire opposition with the brush of lunacy. That will drive them further into nutland. As we point out their nuttiness we can casually and slowly drive home every dream of our liberal forebearers, right up until the point where somebody points out that we can't afford it all.
Then we rinse and repeat.
Si se puede!
Posted by: Account Deleted | Mar 23, 2010 at 12:12 PM
Blaming the people getting bricks thrown through their windows rather than the brick-throwers seems a bit off key.
But, still, I'm for sensible regulation of the financial sector, and a prudent evaluation of Social Security, aren't you?
Posted by: Ed Cone | Mar 23, 2010 at 12:19 PM
I'm guessing your're talking about something that happened today. I'm just being goofy. I think the TP'ers have lost their mind. I think the masses have lost their mind.
I'm just practicing my writing skills.
I'll be very happy if it all works out for the best.
Posted by: Account Deleted | Mar 23, 2010 at 01:21 PM
I can't quite figure what McCain is saying will be different.
Posted by: Thomas | Mar 23, 2010 at 04:14 PM
"I can't quite figure what McCain is saying will be different,"
McCain must be responding to Biden.
To the Vice Irrelevancy, it's all a "big (effing) deal." He doesn't quite know how right he is, albeit for the wrong reasons.
Posted by: bubba | Mar 23, 2010 at 07:01 PM
party of november baby.
Posted by: greensboro transplant | Mar 23, 2010 at 09:55 PM
i man it's amazing how quickly you forget the ass kicking the dems have been receiving at the ballot box. it's only going to get better.
Posted by: greensboro transplant | Mar 23, 2010 at 10:00 PM
If Biden said it's a "Big f****ing deal" he's right, IMO for the right reasons. I still don't see how Republicans not cooperating will be any different from what we've been seeing.
Posted by: Thomas | Mar 24, 2010 at 08:49 AM
I guess instead of casting "Nay" votes, they'll cast "Hell nay!" votes.
Posted by: Thomas | Mar 24, 2010 at 08:55 AM