"More than 100 cities and counties in 43 states have official and unofficial efforts to develop a pitch for Google's fiber contest."
Kathy Gill, via GIT, via Google4GSO.
Cash-strapped city officials understand the competitive advantage that a high-speed broadband initiative can mean for economics, both business activity and in-migration attractiveness. It will be interesting to see how many cities with official pitches to Google continue to seek ways to fund this infrastructure when they don’t win the Google prize.
The lasting impact of GSO's effort is the subject of my upcoming newspaper column.
I think our campaign is shaping up pretty nicely, although I'd like to see big growth at the FB page and in the number of nominations. That growth should come if people and organizations already in the game pass the word around their own networks.
Hickory's in the game, too, but not on Gill's list. Hickory's Web site made it official March 1.
Posted by: TL | Mar 16, 2010 at 11:24 AM
While Winston-SAlem doesnt have the support that Greensboro is getting, they started out much faster than we did. 24 hours after the Twin City put in a bid, they had over 5,200 members on their facebook page. Greensboro needs to make sure it stays ahead of Winston on this because they are almost on our heels.
Posted by: anonymous | Mar 17, 2010 at 08:02 AM
Hickory would be a smart pick for Google considering how close it is to Lenoir.
Posted by: RecycleBill | Mar 17, 2010 at 08:37 AM
Rich Lowry:
"If they force the bill through, Democrats will have "made history," although not the kind they imagine. Obamacare will constitute a ramshackle monument to partisan willfulness and unscrupulous salesmanship that should forever discredit its architects."
And why is all this happening? Pelosi is still 15-20 votes short of passing the Senate bill, so the sesperation mode has kicked in.
And the notion that "when the public knows what's in it, they approve" is patently absurd on the face of it, as are the people who knowingly support that particular lie.
Posted by: Bubba | Mar 17, 2010 at 08:40 AM
Thought we were talking about high-speed internet access, not health care.
Posted by: Ged | Mar 17, 2010 at 08:47 AM
"24 hours after the Twin City put in a bid, they had over 5,200 members on their facebook page." -- Anonymous liar
Looks like 181 to me.
Posted by: Roch101 | Mar 17, 2010 at 09:47 AM
Har! WFMY repeats the bogus figure even though their story links to the Facebook group where it's clear the current W-S membership is at 188.
Posted by: Roch101 | Mar 17, 2010 at 01:04 PM
i'm not a liar Roch101, I heard it from WFMY too. It appears you can't alway trust new sources.
Posted by: anonymous | Mar 17, 2010 at 01:10 PM
Sorry, that was harsh. Anonymouses raise suspicion and I suspected you were some crazy shill. I apologize for the offense.
Posted by: Roch101 | Mar 17, 2010 at 01:13 PM
Ah. It's the Facebook page for the *city* that has 5200 fans:
Posted by: Anthony | Mar 17, 2010 at 01:29 PM
The city of W-S page has 5200+ fans. That page seems to be currently focused on the Google initiative - look at their wall picture. I would imagine that is the source of the 5200 #. I would also imagine that the group was set up prior to Google's RFI - the events listed go back to March 09.
Sometimes mistakes are honest ones.
Posted by: Jim Caserta | Mar 17, 2010 at 01:31 PM
JC, WFMY's story linked to the W-S Fiber page, the one with 188 members. A mistake? Sure. Honest? Well, probably. But still, it's notable when a professional media organization gets wrong information from a source to which they link.
Posted by: Roch101 | Mar 17, 2010 at 01:48 PM
I was more defending anonymous here than wfmy. News orgs 'should' be held to higher standards - more research.
But "should happen != does happen"
Posted by: Jim Caserta | Mar 17, 2010 at 03:11 PM