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« Finger-pointing | Main | Brackets, busted »

Mar 22, 2010


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Go read that list of immediate benefits and tell me Republican's aren't on the wrong side of the vote as we move forward. Someone PLEASE try and tell me that, I wanna hear it from the usual suspects. It'll be rich.

Andrew Brod

Bubba: "All 10 items are lies, and I have the conservative blog posts to prove it."

Spag: "Once again Ed is refusing to be clear about his true hyper-partisan beliefs. I wonder if he thinks about me when he lies in bed at night."

Angry as Hell: "Socialism, socialism, socialism. Fascism, fascism, fascism. Coon, kike."

Andrew Sansone

Lots of peeps tweeting about HCR today on Twitter and Obama live streamed as well http://bit.ly/9xc0ef

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