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« Happy etc | Main | Bechtlermania »

Jan 02, 2010


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I saw Food, Inc. on Netflix's Watch Instantly selections. Will have to watch. I thought we'd run out of good ones by now, but haven't.

Watched Knowing on DVD. Definitely a recommend.


Me and Shan have been wanting to make it up to that farm in VA the movie talks about... but as far as the movie is concerned the 'Fast Food Nation' was a bit better at scaring me.

David Wharton

I had some Polyface farm chicken and pork in a restaurant in Staunton, VA last fall. It was really good!

Ed Cone

There are many areas of concern raised by the film and the books -- health and nutrition, public policy, working conditions, animal welfare, oil dependence, monopoly power, and so on -- but the taste and quality of food are pretty high on my list.


I can't find it right now, but somewhere I have a book about food history. It's interesting to read that the influence of large food and agricultural corporations began in the 19th century. For example, recipes in cookbooks published for many years show an increase in the amount of commercial brand name staples -- flour, salt, sugar,etc. I.e., a cookbook recipe for coffe cake published in 1920 may call for twice as much sugar as the same recipe in the 1890 edition.

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