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Sep 02, 2009


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Tony Wilkins

And to that Ed Cone, I agree.


Ryan may be reluctant to explain, but we can speculate:

"The Democratic Women of Guilford County will host a municipal candidate forum at St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Greensboro at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday... Mary Bell with Democratic Women confirms that only Democrats and unaffiliated candidates have been invited."
David Hoggard

Bad form, Ryan.

He has interjected a big partisan issue into a non-partisan race and probably alienated both parties in the process.


i want a liar i can trust


I suspected he was an opportunistic wanker.


"I haven’t decided if I’m going to address the issue..."

How do you get away with not addressing ANY issue when you're running for office?

Fec the Jihadist

Sociopaths have no political ideology. However, a bike ride down MLK tends to soften the heart of the most committed conservative.


The Democrat Women of Guilford are a pretty sharp bunch and support those who serve their interests. If enough sycophantic suck up is applied the flip flop might be overlooked by that group.


I predict this will have no bearing on the race other than the few on the blogs who are keen on this issue. Our generation is less about party-identity politics than our parents, yet this is the system we find ourselves. I don't think Ryan serves himself by answering to the bloggers...they are just one vote. Unfortunately, Ryan's passion doesn't get turned down and he wants everyone to like him and understand his passion for Greensboro - be they District 1, 4, black, white, young, or old. He would do well to stick to that approach and not try to win over bloggers. My .02.

Ed Cone

Older people -- the ones allegedly more concerned with partisan politics -- vote.

I didn't care about Ryan's party affiliation when he was a Republican, and I don't care if he's a Democrat. I do think changing parties in the middle of a race is something he should discuss with people he's asking for support, and I'm guessing others will feel the same way.

It's not about winning over bloggers (each of whom gets a vote, fwiw), or even people who read blogs. My guess is this story will spread from blogs to the mainstream media.

Ultimately, this is about living up to promises of transparency, and communicating with voters.

Maybe they'll like what they hear.


"...he wants everyone to like him..."

I don't have to LIKE him. I have to believe that he can be an effective councilmember who makes good decisions after significant deliberation. I have concerns.

I'm not convinced he's thought this politics stuff through.

"Our generation is less about party-identity politics than our parents, yet this is the system we find ourselves."

Then why did he feel it necessary to change his party affiliation?

I predict this will have SUBSTANTIAL bearing on the race.

To say that he's not sure he's going to address an issue that people have a legitimate concern about is a HUGE red flag to me.


i ride down MLK everyday. nothing tends to soften. nothing tends to harden either. i must be ambisexual.


Ryan's already has some name recognition and a mainstream news story won't hurt that when people are at the polls. (Name recognition is more valuable than any other means, imo which is why yard signs are so effective.) Yet again, though, I think the blogs are holding Ryan to a higher standard than the other candidates - my guess is he gets blogged about more than any other candidate precisely because he is so transparent. Can the blogs help us out by researching the other candidates too?


"they are just one vote." -- GO


Ed Cone

Ryan's holding himself to a higher standard in terms of online campaigning -- being online is part of his campaign identity.

As is being transparent.

I wish other candidates would try it, although Ryan's experiences may lead them in the opposite direction.

You are welcome to your opinions, GO, but I don't think you're doing the guy any favors by saying "no biggie" on this one. In fact, I don't think you've addressed the underlying issues here at all.

Maybe this will help him in the election -- there are a lot more Dems in GSO than Repubs. But there's a good chance that people will be turned off by a "no comment" from a guy who likes to float ideas in public.

Youth and energy are great things. Callowness, less so. This is a chance for the candidate to show us something about himself.

A. Bulluck

It's now 3:20pm. This post originated at 10:19am. Where is Ryan? He usually responds/defends himself literally moments after any 'Ryan Shell Post'. Damage control? Dental work? Is he closing up shop?


"Then why did he feel it necessary to change his party affiliation?" -- JW

And thus a wise and experienced observer of local politics gets to the meat. The protestations of Ryan and his apologists create are argument against his actions. If, as Ryan and his apologists maintain, labels don't matter, there is no need to change party. If party affiliation doesn't matter the way it used to, there is no need to change party. And, why D and not unaffiliated?

That Ryan wiped the announcement from his Facebook page and is refusing to answer direct questions is more telling than the party switch. Some very smart people are saying that this is about integrity -- words matching actions. Other people are saying that the 2,900 people on average who view the Greensboro page of We101 six times a week on average are "just one vote."

Jeffrey Sykes

David Hoggard spoke my views on the matter.


Roch - it was a typo meant to imply one blogger is one vote not that all bloggers equal one vote.

jw - your legitimate concern is many others just shrugging shoulders. I'm not sure party switching (Sanders, Specter, Lieberman) has been the death knell for a politician - which Ryan is.

I'm not an apologist for Ryan (I don't know how or for whom I'll vote). I've known him since April of last year when he talked to me after a Council meeting at which I spoke and he indicated he was thinking about running for Council. I had lived in GSO all of two months. My concern at the time was the lack of recycling at my apt. complex...to his credit he ran with the opportunity and has continued to try to raise awareness of this issue.

I still say this is a non-issue to the voters, but it more indicative of, what I see as a continual question of motivations by anyone who dares run for office. Again, where is the scrutiny of the other candidates?

It's odd that I think bloggers feel like Ryan "owes" them a response on this or any other blog. It's his choice to be silent for whatever reason he chooses.

Fec the Jihadist

It didn't take long for Higgins (GO) to show his colors. He doesn't appear to think much of our opinions.


Fec - that has nothing to do with it, although you are entitled to see it that way. I just don't see this as an issue. I'm curious to what Ed sees as the "underlying issues". Is this a trend with Ryan that he keeps repeating or is this a one time error in judgment that blogggers have chosen to highlight. The magnifying glass on this one befuddles me. It is micro-analysis at its worst...What is it going to tell you about him if he tells you why he switched parties? He may have deleted it from FB just to avoid the incessant noise about what he feel is a non-issue, and again, anyone and everyone is entitled to disagree with him.

Tony Wilkins

Ed, here's a copy on the invitation from the Democratic Women of Guilford County dated August 12th. It clearly states only registered Democrats or Unaffiliated are allowed to speak.

If Ryan had this on his calendar for a month you can come to your own conclusions as to what he was doing at the GOP events last week.

Fec the Jihadist

Brian, did Ryan hanging out with a rabid tree hugger like you have anything to do with his decision.

"they are just one vote."

Disenginuity, despite your many letters, betrays a fool.

Are you a fool, Brian?

Tony Wilkins

GO says: "where is the scrutiny of the other candidates?"
Was there another candidate who switched parties after courting one heavily?
If, in your opinion, that has nothing to do with integrity then that says a lot about your own integrity. And I have no clue who you are.

Fec the Jihadist

Brian Higgins founded Sustainable Greensboro and is the glenwoodobserver. He is a dangerous interloper most recently from the west coast.


Didnt he also switch from D1 or D3 or somewhere to At Large? I dont like this. Isnt one of his planks .... more transparency? This guy is as clear as mud.

He is coming across more and more like a very typical pol. Whatever it takes to get in the door.

I'm out. No matter what he says or does from now on out. How can you trust this guy to make decisions with the track record to date. And he aint really even started yet!

Just because this particular election is non-partisan doesnt make it apolitical (is that a word?)

See ya


Yes, Fec, apparently I am a fool. and dangerous...and from the west coast...and my middle name is Philip...and I'm a beer snob...and I used to have an office across from Ed...and I wait tables at the mellow mushroom...and I'm a small business owner...and yes, I have hugged a tree or too (you should try it, you'll feel better) and, what else do I need to disclose? Oh, I once did yoga and I think I liked it.

Tony - since you don't know me, let's keep your opinions about my integrity to your self.


Shell has performed one GREAT community service. He's got me agreeing with Tony.

Tony -- Ryan's campaign sign, as exhibited on his Facebook "Politician" page, touts "Honesty, integrity, and accountability in city government." Do we have to wait until he's actually elected to see that? You are absolutely right. It IS about integrity.

And Tony? Let's not agree again. It makes me nervous!

sean coon

ryan told a guy who just got tazed to "watch his mouth, there might be some kids watching."

175 views on youtube later...

why should flipping parties means something to ryan when his ego is driving the bus?

Ed Cone

Good for Brian for standing up to a crowd, and also for his work with Sustainable Greensboro. Attacking him personally seems rather off topic.

But not seeing the issues here requires an act of will.

Brian, you want to reduce this to a partisan thing. Nobody but Tony and a handful of pissed-off Republicans seems likely to care about that.

It's the motivation for the switch that I think people will find interesting, and the willingness to discuss it.

Ryan already made one big switch in this race -- from running in a district to at large. I think voters want flexibility, but they don't want an opportunist.

Trying to deflect the question to "what about other candidates" seems weak. Other candidates have and will get their moments. Right now, the topic is Ryan, motivation, and transparency.

As for Ryan's responsiveness, geez, people, the guy has a job, and a campaign, and he's smart to take a little time to figure out a thoughtful response.

Fec the Jihadist

I call a guy who comes to town with your education and background, starting up a non-profit and co-opting local pols dangerous.

My anti-developer cred is impeccable.

I despise the Mellow Mushroom.


Can I just raise my hand in agreement that the attacks on Brian are off-base? He's not getting it, yet, but he's not a villain.


"As for Ryan's responsiveness, geez, people, the guy has a job, and a campaign, and he's smart to take a little time to figure out a thoughtful response." -- Ed

You are nothing if not generous, Ed. But Ryan has responded, with a non-response. He may not know what to say, but he has had the time to say it.

Tony Wilkins

jw, I was thinking the same thing...we agreed and it didn't even hurt! Thanks Ryan.
I actually thought Ed and I were in agreement until his smart ass and unecessary comment about "Tony and a few pissed off Republicans". I tried (why, I have no idea) to explain to Ed it wasn't about losing a GOP member, it was about integrity. I don't get as abused as some here because of my poor simple mind, but I keep coming back 'cause that Ed Cone knows about good food.


GO, what are beer snobs drinking these days? My taste buds are bored.

Fec the Jihadist

Roch, Ryan can't respond. Brian is his new handler. I think it's called a ready-made constituency.

Jeffrey Sykes

Am I correct to understand that Mr. Shell announced his party switch on facebook and then scrubbed the status post?

Ryan Radford

GO, I just moved to Greensboro... WHERE do beer snobs drink around here? I feel lost without a Flying Saucer nearby.

On topic - Ruth Sheehan has an interesting column today on nonpartisan municipal races: http://is.gd/2OgtF


Am I correct to understand that Mr. Shell described the Nazis who came to town as a "group of individuals that desire to have a peaceful meeting" on Facebook and then scrubbed the post?

Fec the Jihadist

The Burckley Effect.

Jeffrey Sykes

Ouch, Roch. Thanks for the clarification. It's hard to follow the story on multiple sites.


Jeff, I was riffing on your comment, not correcting it. I have heard that both are true.


"He is coming across more and more like a very typical pol. Whatever it takes to get in the door."

It's just the art of the schmooze.

David Hoggard

The big question: WWBBD?

I know the answer: Bill Burckley who, if memory serves, Ryan retained early on, will smile large and say, "I told you so, I told you so."

To Bill's credit, he's right so far. Not a single bloggin'/twitterin'/facebookin' Guilford Co. candidate (challenger or incumbent) has yet made it past the proclivity toward public foot shooting to actually get elected.


Yeah, but Bill understands about switching parties. He switched. (But certainly not in the middle of an election!)

Ed Cone

Jeff Thigpen might disagree with your scorecard, Hoggard.

It's true that, so far, new media have been used most heavily in local campaigns by long-shot candidates, and new media alone can't elect these folks. But the political landscape extends beyond Guilford County, and new media have been effective in numerous campaigns.

I don't think the future lies only with those who are good writers or natural online communicators, but it will belong to the campaigns that communicate effectively, and it seems obvious that communication will increasingly happen online.

Ryan Shell

I was in an all day meeting and was out of touch for most of the day. I'm sure this won't answer all of the questions, nor will it make everyone happy, but here are some details on my decision: http://voteshell.com/party-affiliation/

Ryan Shell


Just as I suspected. The guy woke up this morning with other things on his mind than "Oh MY GOD, how am I gonna explain this to the bloggers?!

Fec the Jihadist

Actually, the candidate's response answered no one's questions. The bloggers, in fact, represent the proactive intelligentsia of the community. Ignore us at your political peril.


Fec - we must have lunch...pizza place of your choice. MM is a job that provides me incredible flexibility to create an organization from scratch that in 7 months time is already making an impact. Want to learn more? Come to the Peace & Justice Network "Building Strategic Alliances" event on Sept. 26th where I will be a speaker along with Jehan Benton from Partners Ending Homelessness, Signe Waller from the Greensboro Currency Project, and Pat McCoy from Health Care for America Now. Starts at 3pm at the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant - 501 S. Mendenhall.

What is surprising is that my offering alternative interpretations of the effect Ryan's decision will have on his campaign ended up with attacks and calling into question my integrity. It's sad...I thought this was a place for substantive debate, but apparently not on this topic. Who knows...maybe I'm right.

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