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Apr 12, 2009


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Joe Killian

Great column. As they're now saying they'll offer a 100 GB tier for a higher rate and cap overages at $175 things will just get more complicated.


Bold Broadband Policy: Yes We Can, America


Now let's see, which founding fathers of the cities decided that these cable companies would have exclusive access to the residents and businesses of the city?

When a monopoly is created, there is no ability for the market to determine pricing, as evidenced by the noose around internet user's throats in these cities.


DeBunk, Time Warner has had a franchise with the city of Greensboro since 1994. It was never exclusive. A state law passed in 2006 made it even easier for cable companies to enter a market -- they no longer have to negotiate a franchise (exclusive or otherwise), just file a form with the state. So, I'm not sure who you are trying to blame, but it seems premised on a misunderstanding of the facts.

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