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« UberNerd | Main | Recusal for Robbie? »

Dec 01, 2008


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Looks like Bruton Smith has him a couple of good paying part-time jobs: He's on there twice, at 1.8 million and 2.6 million. I'm not nearly as offended when someone makes a bunch of money from a business he or she started as I am when some guy takes a solid company, runs it into the ground and floats away on his parachute, so I say good for you, Bruton. Also, you don't want to tangle with a guy named "Bruton."

Tony Plutonium

Of course this is only publicly-traded companies - wonder where Goodnight at SAS and Dr. Gillings at Quintiles (both companies that continue to do well) and the heads of some of the other big private companies in NC would fit in.

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