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« Meanwhile | Main | Fire sale »

Nov 11, 2008


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Time for my favorite epithet: Homo Sapiens are monkeys with car keys !

Billy The Blogging Poet

Isn't this exactly what globalization is all about-- spreading the risks?

How could any fool(s) not know these things would happen? And why was that fool(s) allowed to assume elected office?

Wil Wurkfurfud

my Uncle Mary used to always say, even when he was my aunt, "it takes a fool to vote for some other fool."

Al Kaader

Duke; I'm rubbing the last two pennies I have together for good luck. Like so many who voted for only the white half of Obama, I have good reason to believe that his snake oil can circumvent the laws of nature and make a silk purse from a sow's ear. If you are not for the Obamanation, you are against it.

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