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« On cue | Main | Rezoning threatens historic house »

Nov 30, 2008


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I did some link chasing but didn't find an answer to if it's primo RE isn't that wrapped up in the transaction ?

What's to squabble ? Buyer has the money - or not !!


Been getting the run-around on its actual location these last few months, but the big black box surrounding the store front now confirms it. If you've always wanted to meet me, then stop by the Apple Store Greensboro on opening day. I and the rest of the Iconfactory crew will be the ones at the front of the long, long line that day. :-)

I positively cannot WAIT to not have to travel to Raleigh to buy the latest Apple hardware. To have easy access to genius bar tech support or to see the latest products as soon as they come out. Greensboro FTW!


Just curious, Ged -- why are you going all the way to Raleigh? There's a Apple store at Southpoint in Durham, just off I-40.



That's what I meant. I tend to lump them both together although I know that's probably sacrilege.

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