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« Gramm Greenspan and Cox | Main | Txt 4 nfo »

Oct 21, 2008


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The first time I watched her appearance on Hardball I could barely make it through the entire piece. I hope the voters of her district teach her a lesson about what America is all about. People are being turned off by hateful rhetoric left and right this election cycle, as well they should. Bachmann's McCarthy-eque screed was the low point for me of these last several months, but perhaps she'll go out with the bad so we can start to work together instead of against each other.


Come to think of it, maybe North Carolina Republican Rep. Patrick McHenry will be joining her. More liberal bashing right here at home. They never learn.

brad krantz

This woman is SO whacked that I haven't even seen FNC try and spin this around, rehabilitate her and turn her into somekind of Conservative Martyr...a victim of the "failing and desperate" MSNBC via Hannity, Cavuto, OReilly, Fox&Friends, etc. That's the usual evolution of these kinds of stories, but even Fox News is staying away from this nut. She's done.

Paul Jones

Our Rep. Robin Hayes isn't far behind her. Hear him say Liberals Hate Real Americans That Work And Achieve and Believe in God as recorded at the recent McCain rally in Concord. Yes despite his denials, he was captured on tape. Wait now that the tape is posted, Hayes says he *did* say it but he was only kidding.

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