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« Multiple down quarters | Main | Greensboro in Africa »

Jul 20, 2008


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Danny Wright

We just noticed this morning that where the MST crosses Sweeten Creek Road here in Asheville (as it follows a meandering path roughly the same as the BRP) that a local guy has made himself quite a business selling ornate hiking sticks to people hiking through or driving by.

John D. Young

Good group of articles so far by Joe Miller and the News & Observer on the Mountain to Sea Trail but it appears he got a little too sidetracked over along the Sauratown Trail and never got into other important new parts of the Mountain to Sea Trail story in what most of us would actually consider the Triad here in Guilford County. But maybe he will cover more of our story later. He has a lot of facts about us in his notebook from Alex Ashton, Guilford County Open Space Planner.

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