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« Perdue eschews the negative | Main | Squares »

Apr 10, 2008


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Fred Gregory

Another question form today's N & R Since when did they start having columnists with one name?
Paean To Obama

Looks like , walks like an opinion piece not labeled as such. Let your love flow like a mountain stream Josephus.

So when is the balance column for Hillary to appear?

Ed Cone

The byline on the piece you link is "Josephus Thompson" -- 2 names, by my count. Columnists, including contributors to the weekly arts and entertainment supplement in which this ran, are supposed to express their own views.

But he does like Obama, and we all know that's a bad thing.

Fred Gregory


If you will remove the hard copy of this week's GoTriad from the bottom of your bird cage you will see that the printed version has the byline " Josephus III " and thus stupidly they did use only one name. Maybe that's his dancing name.

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