JR says teenagers are interested in newspapers. Mine are. The N&R and the NYT are on our breakfast table every morning and the kids read the N&R while I read the Times and we talk about what we read -- the social aspects of print should not be underrated.
In fact, just this morning my 14-year-old wondered aloud why the N&R would front-page an article about a doggie finding a new home.
Good question, Sydney.
Another question form today's N & R Since when did they start having columnists with one name?
Paean To Obama
Looks like , walks like an opinion piece not labeled as such. Let your love flow like a mountain stream Josephus.
So when is the balance column for Hillary to appear?
Posted by: Fred Gregory | Apr 10, 2008 at 11:58 PM
The byline on the piece you link is "Josephus Thompson" -- 2 names, by my count. Columnists, including contributors to the weekly arts and entertainment supplement in which this ran, are supposed to express their own views.
But he does like Obama, and we all know that's a bad thing.
Posted by: Ed Cone | Apr 11, 2008 at 08:43 AM
If you will remove the hard copy of this week's GoTriad from the bottom of your bird cage you will see that the printed version has the byline " Josephus III " and thus stupidly they did use only one name. Maybe that's his dancing name.
Posted by: Fred Gregory | Apr 11, 2008 at 05:37 PM