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Feb 08, 2008


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Ed, we asked for those same documents but received no response at all. We have received a response on the "black book" itself and the RMA- neither of which are acceptable to any of us at this point.

What else makes them look foolish is that Cohen said he had these documents and was going to show them to the City Council until Alan Duncan nixed the idea. So Peterson-Buie claims that the documents that Cohen has and Duncan doesn't think they should see don't even exist! Even before Ben & the Rhino published them, ask yourself "how stupid is THAT?"

The incompetence is astounding. It starts at the top. Johnson and the legal staff need to go. There is something more going on here. Either that or Johnson is simply ill-equipped for the position. The City should find a manager with some experience and education in public administration instead of physics. This guy is ruining the City and the public confidence in same.


One can speculate about whether this instance was deliberate concealment or incompetence, but the response thus far to the request made by Sam, Joe and me demonstrates a willful reticence to comply with records requests in certain areas. There are a number of records we requested that should have required minimal effort to retrieve yet, more than 90 days after our request, we have not received them. I get the unfortunate sense that the people who are deciding on these things are simply contemptuous of the public's right to know.

Fred Gregory


Contempt, oh yes indeed.. Defiance and arrogance that are breathtaking.

Maximilian Robespierre at the trial of King Louis XVI:

" You have not to pass sentence for or against a single man but you have to take resolution on a question of the public safety, and decide a question of material foresight. It is with regret that I pronounce a fatal truth: Louis ought to persih rather than a hundred thousand virtous citizens; Louis must die that the country may live. "

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