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Jan 20, 2008


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Sidney C. Gray

Ed: I do hope that the Haw River State Park victory is a beginning for leaving our grandchildren something other than a slab of concrete from New York to Florida.
I believe that the "Heart of the Triad" project is another situation that extends Urban Sprawl.
I offer the following as one solution to the Urban Sprawl versus private property rights:

Urban Sprawl, Individual Property Rights and Development:

The exponential population growth is the single greatest challenge that we as a community face. These population increases challenge our basic values and natural resources. The solutions that we set in motion today will be our legacy. How do we balance our right of economic gain while slowing down urban sprawl? I support the revitalization, adaptive re-use and 'infill' of existing neighborhoods. I propose that the City of Greensboro in conjunction with surrounding communities continue to support and expand the Urban Greenway in all directions by a reallocation of current budgeted tax priorities or by an additional tax for the purchase of land to be held in trust for our heirs. This could be accomplished by an existing agency such as the Piedmont Land Conservancy or another sanctioned group. This public purchase of land will slow urban sprawl thus encouraging infill development while not infringing on individual property rights.

One needs only to look at China and India to propel us towards workable solutions that we choose rather than those that will be forced upon us by the government in the future.

Dave Ribar


Accommodating inevitable population growth is a huge challenge. The "Heart of the Triad" concept, however, seems consistent with this. Encourage growth toward the center of the Triad where infrastructure either exists or can be put in place at relatively low cost. Discourage growth outside those areas.

We need to be careful with concepts like the Greenway. You correctly point out that we should encourage "infill development," but the Greenway amounts to an urban park that would limit such development. If we are going to restrict development in some areas, we need to allow higher density development in others.

Billy The Blogging Poet

Well Dave, I knew we'd not agree very long. Dave had a great idea on his blog yesterday I think.

HOT is nothing more than a taxpayer funded land grab on the part of Robbie Perkins and his ilk and they are lying through their teeth when they claim they will not seek the use of eminent domain. Oh sure, none of the involved local governments will exercise eminent domain but that is only because the NCDOT will exercise eminent domain for them.

As for HOT being a solution to transportation issues-- bulls***! A solution to transportation issues would be to put these jobs where people live instead of putting them 30 miles away from where the most jobs are needed-- east and south Greensboro.

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