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« Houses, cheap! | Main | Genius needed »

Nov 29, 2007


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John D. Young

It is way past time for Bluegreen to accept the generous offer from NCDENR to purchase Bluegreen's option on the approximately 700 acres that adjoin the current HRSP. The state's current offer allows Bluegreen to go ahead and fulfill their full offer to all three of the property owners plus put a little money in their pocket to help cover expenses they have incurred.

Taft Wireback did have one mistake in his piece today -- possibly due to a misquote from someone. He said that the "commissioner's hearing has been delayed before at the request of state government." That previous delay had been requested by Bluegreen -- not by the state.

In the written request to Paul Gibson from Charles Winfree dated 11/27/07 asking for another delay is the important paragraph: "Mrs. Cox and other property owners are concerned that if this matter is heard before the parties have fully explored the possibilities of settlement that the value of their property would be unnecessarily impaired. Furthermore, successful completion of the negotiations would eliminate the need for a hearing of any kind."

It appears that all the property owners also want Bluegreen to accept the state's generous offer so that they can get their money based on Bluegreen's current offer.

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