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« Escape from the PTA | Main | Developments to the east »

Oct 10, 2007


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Thanks for the link Ed. I took my 5-year old to the open house they had at the park a few weeks ago - it really is a nice start, and it would be great to see more of the surrounding area preserved. Especially if the alternative is sucking all the water out of the river to irrigate a golf course.

John D. Young

The broad and large community support for the Haw River State Park and for protection of the Haw River corridor has been very significant and come from from many diverse groups and individuals. It does appear now that the Guilford County Commissioners plan to take up this one issue at a special meeting on Dec 13, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. in the Old Court House at 301 W. Market.

The dates keep changing at the request of the developer who appears at the moment to understand that the rezoning for Patriot's Landing is no longer a slam dunk in either Guilford or Rockingham County.

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