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« The truth shall make you free | Main | Some fairly simple questions »

Oct 02, 2007


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It's a nice-looking, attractive site. However, it's all pictures (graphics). Even the words are pictures. There's no real way (except to get a web designer) to update the site or change the words. I guess that's OK, given that the election is close, date-wise.

Fred Gregory

Oh how nice, how attractive.
Oh the grapics. Come on Ed and Sue give us a collective swoon, now on three .. 1-2-3..ahhhhhhhhh, sigh.

Not to be critical but it is lacking something. It needs a boost.. some substance. I've got an idea. It appears to have a fever and the only prescripton is cowbell. More cowbell. Gotta have more cowbell (-: !!

David Hoggard

Yes... I agree Fred,... more cowbell.

Ed Cone

I'm told video is on the way.


Just a nit-pick, but an important one: the site isn't Mac-friendly. The page doesn't have any scroll bars or way to move down the page.
If he were into the creative class his peeps might have checked that before launch.


I looked at the site, but I can't find the place where we discusss issues and concerns with the candidate.


As I mentioned above, Roch, there is hardly any text on the site at all. The words are really graphics so my assumption is that the site was never meant to change significantly over time. And of course, there is no blog. This is the ultimate campaign "presence," but IMO, is hardly an online campaign HQ.

I think it's good that candidates are going online and I prefer to give them time to come to realize what "user-generated content" means. Perhaps we101 and/or some online folks could help by scheduling a session at ConvergeSouth on *starting* a political Web site. We have some sessions now that touch the subject, but not a how-to. Roch, would you care to lead such a session?


Don't you know image is everything? Also, I want to edit the copy for some reason.

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