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« On the same subject | Main | Johnson on Wray »

Oct 03, 2007


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Jeffrey Sykes

Peace Foreigner? That's the best pen name ever.

Ed Cone

I don't think it's a pen name, although it would make a good one.

John G

I feel so sorry for anyone who would view God in such a manner.


I've been a fan ever since I heard him talk about "the Blessing Bee" on This American Life. I can't wait to read his new book.

Ed Cone

John G: Some people take what you call the Old Testament quite literally. Mix in a few thousand years of history and a sense of humor, and you get that video. I don't think he's looking for your pity.



Excellent Video !!! Thank you !

You're Old Testament comment is spot on. John G's reaction, I suspect, is typical, in the US. That is unfortunate.

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