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Sep 16, 2007


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David Wharton

Great column. You nailed it.

John D. Young

Eric Schaefer has provided us with a number of wonderful articles on some of his wilderness experiences. His recent article in today's N&R Outdoors Section (C10) in the back of the Sports Section is very timely. See -- http://news-record.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070916/NRSTAFF/709160352/-1/SPORTS

Eric is one who has moved through the world with a gentle footprint that honors simplicity and shows love for the natural environment. He tells of his recent adventure, along with Vance Arnold: "...dragging the boat (due to very low water) through cat briars and poison ivy,under or over falling trees, stumbling over submerged sticks, falling in holes in the water or sitting in the water resting up for the next obstacles."

Schaefer asks us "How badly we want this park, what are we willing to sacrifice, and how extensive and inclusive it needs to be are questions we ought to be asking now, since we have only one chance. Once the land is developed there will be no returning."

"Shall we make this park our priority and do what we can to ensure it will be the jewel that is envisioned...? Although I'm a golfer and enjoy walking around a new course, this is a no-brainer -- our priority should be making this park the crown jewel of the Piedmont..."

"There are other sites for golf course -- there is no other place for the Haw River State Park."

"Let your commissioners know what you think."

Also Ed, thanks for your fine column today in support of the expansion and growth of the Haw River State Park!

Jim Rosenberg

Saving the park also makes good business sense. Corporate site selection is increasingly focusing on sprawl, an area where Greensboro has a reputation to overcome (see sidebar rankings).

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