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« Etymology | Main | Josh Wolf »

Apr 03, 2007


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There will be more on this I am sure. But Ware's comments with Bill Maher do not help his credability with me.

Kirk D.

Write to Drudge and tell him to issue a retraction. I did. The more of us that do, the more he'll get the message that what he did is not acceptable.

Joe Killain

Right. Cause Drudge is notorious for clearing up things like this and giving a damn whether his readers think he's doing slimy and unethical things.

Kirk D.

Joe, nothing will ever change unless you help make it happen.

Joe Killian

I know, I know.

Just a little snark from the peanut gallery.

John G

What? Drudge lied? I can't believe it!

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