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Apr 29, 2007


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Ryan R.

His speech had very little to do with politics... here is the section that did.

I expect the BlueNC crowd to watch that and savage him for being a sellout, and friends of mine to watch it and savage him for being phony.

I tend to agree with Norquist, who was absolutely hilarious in the session that followed Shuler's. Let's just say Christensen only reported his comments that were family-friendly.

Also entertaining was Patrick Ballantine, who spoke before Shuler. He quipped, "Yeah, I heard about those people in the elevator complaining that they had to listen to a Democrat over breakfast. You know what's even worse? Someone in my elevator this morning asked, Hey, aren't you Heath Shuler?" Shuler's wife shifted uncomfortably in her seat at this point as the crowd roared wih laughter.

Ed Cone

Tell us more about Grover's remarks, if you would...


So what's the verdict?

My take:

Shuler accomplished nothing of note.
Grover revealed the true source of the current environment of political extremism.
Civitas was exposed for being a partisan organization that doesn't deserve tax-exempt status.
And a new think tank was born.

Net net? I'm glad he went.

Ryan R.

I won't repeat his worst comments... not only do they not add anything to the discussion, but I'm afraid they may raise Anglico's blood pressure to an unsafe level.

He did, however, point out that not only are there no Blue Dogs in the current leadership, but also that they've basically toed the Pelosi line on everything of substance since the session began. He noted that while it's great Heath feels important because they could potentially stall a bill from passage, in reality it would never happen, and everyone knows it.

There was side chatter among many of those attending that efforts were underway to flip Shuler to the Republicans. This is of course mindless and unsubstantiated, but given that the Civitas straw poll taken during the conference showed a majority of attendees favored Giuliani, it might show hints of moderation among what were thought to be the most conservative activists in the state.

By the way, Anglico, get off the whole tax-exempt thing. It's a weak argument and you sound childish parrotting it day-in and day-out. If you want to keep making it, at least take it all the way.


Weak arguments work just fine in the public arena, thank you. Just look at the entire political agenda of the North Carolina Party of Greed. And as for sounding childish, that's never really bothered me. I figure it's a perfectly appropriate response to 9 out of 10 right wing talking points.

Ed Cone

Ryan, you are kidding, right, about Norquist saying things you won't repeat?

Ryan R.

No, I'm quite serious. He got laughs for some parts of it, but I don't think they necessarily helped make his case.

Ed Cone

So...nationally-known speaker at widely-publicized event featuring numerous public officials makes remarks that...what? C'mon, Ryan, write it up for us.

Ryan R.

Can't, sorry... I wasn't taking notes, so without the context they'll just sound cruel and insensitive. They were expressing his strong distaste for Shuler and his tax-hike votes, that's all I'll say.


I'm guessing they not only "sounded" cruel and insensitive" ... they probably WERE cruel and insensitive. Especially coming from the guy who wants to drown government in the bathtub, etc.

Sure you're not simply closing ranks because you're embarrassed by the so-called Republican leadership? Just wondering.

Ryan R.

I'm certainly not embarassed by the guy, he's one of our greatest leaders. Out of context, however, his comments would be touted by people like you as some kind of proof that all Republicans are evil zombies from space who have come to take over the world.

That is the conspiracy this month, right?

Ryan R.

Moreover, if you'd like to discuss remarks made this weekend, I think it's the Democrat leadership who are themselves embarassed.

Connie Mack Jr

Out of context, however, his comments would be touted by people like you as some kind of proof that all Republicans are evil zombies from space who have come to take over the world.

That is the conspiracy this month, right?* Ryan

Speaking of Republican neo-con conspiracies Ryan! Did old Alien Lizard Norquist, say when was going to return those Jack Abramoff checks? Or is he going to wash them though Ralph Reed again?

After all old Norq promise to return the Abramoff hot money a year ago? Must be some cash flow problem that Norq is having for the " Tom" delay.


Thanks Ryan.

Every now and then I have to relearn the importance of ignoring unproductive discussions here at Ed's Place. This lesson has been relatively painless, for which I am most appreciative.


Ryan R.

I was going to say the same back around the "party of greed" comment, but you're right. If we want unproductive nonsense, BlueNC is probably the more proper forum.


"It's a weak argument and you sound childish parrotting it day-in and day-out."

Simply a product of fear and paranoia, which has become SOP.

Connie Mack Jr

Simply a product of fear and paranoia, which has become SOP.*Bubba

Right Bubba! a light day with fear and paranoia not existing with monday's body count.

Monday: 1 Marine, 119 Iraqis Killed; 158 Iraqis Wounded


Anglico on Max Borders at Civitas. Meet the newest bad-boy blogger from the fright wing fringe.

It's actually pretty funny. I linked to his photo and site, so he replaced his picture with one of a baby flipping the bird. I think it's really him. Especially given this heart-warming quote, which he delivered in his previous job.

If boiling people alive best served the interests of the American people, then it would neither be moral or immoral.

Max Borders

Nice. I can see why the Civitas Creepshow hired this clown.

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