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Feb 02, 2007


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Thanks for the link Ed.

A new generation of journalists in the making. Thank god.

John D. Young

Great job Andy. Also Sean has some good pictures over at his blog. Nick Divitci will post some more pictures from the Greensboro folks with our large Greensboro banner. I am glad you guys roamed around and gave us a better view of the broader event. Many of us kind of marched with a large group from Greensboro, Winston, Charlotte, Asheville, Triangle, etc. etc. and we stayed near the sensational Cakalac Thunder drummers.

So many people were there it was almost a "Crawl for Peace." But it was at least an important step in the right direction. Thanks for bringing our trip to life!

Andy Coon

Thanks for the link Ed, I hope I'm available to do more of these in the future. Time is my greatest enemey. But the comments that I'm getting are empowering.

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