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« Leadership in GSO | Main | Tax reform »

Jan 07, 2007


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My vote is that good decisions were made.

Why would Johnson set himself up to be such an easy target?




Ben, after reading what Sandy had to say and the PDF that you linked, it appears you might not have all the paperwork. Could that be the discrepancy?


ummmmm, Sue...could it be possible that you and sandy and the city do not want to talk about the documents I have. Your assesment is very interesting.

Sandy Carmany

The document in the PDF link is included in the 30+ pages attached to Mitch's memo. I refer to some of its information in my post.


please refer to the In the spirit part and the lack of documentation part in that document.


Ben, my man, this is no time to get snarky. You've been the point man on demonstrating possibly shinnanigans on this matter, don't roll over when challenged by resorting to snide remarks. Carmany says new information is available, if your response to people who ask you "what about this new information?" is to avoid the subject and cast aspersions on them for asking, you'll let us down.

What I'd like to hear from the Troublemaker is: "Rest assured, I'll be looking at the newly available information. I'll be checking the dates the paperwork was acquired to make sure that it isn't serving as after-the-fact justification for decisions previously made. I'll be doing the math to see if the new documents truly justify the payments. In the mean time, here are where there are inconcistencies between what we have been told previously and what we are now being told." -- That's what we need from the Troublemaker now.


I have seen the information and there is little to define what it was for. i am looking at it over and over and over..i did not mean to be snarky...I jsut would like for that Findings and recommendations document to be talked about...the payment was not made due to proepr procedure..it was paid in the spirit of keeping a good working relationship w the contracotr...and the lack of documentation.

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