Hoggard says he's suffering from "serial fatigue": After months of hurrying to get my copy of the Rhino every Thursday to read the latest in Bledsoe’s ongoing saga about David Wray, Officer Hinson and the rest, I haven’t yet taken the time to read last week’s nor this week’s installments...Best as I remember from where I left off three weeks ago, former chief Wray was doing everything right and everyone else was all screwed up.
A humorous overstatement, that last part, but with a point. Jerry has made a strong case that the culture of the GPD was seriously messed up, and he's detailed allegations of bad behavior by Lt. Hinson that demand some public response (hello, N&R, anyone home?).
Important stuff, no doubt. Yet beyond it, Bledsoe has not really addressed the things that the City (and John Hammer) have said cost Wray his job, or the specifics of the two reports that informed the City's decision, which sometimes diverge sharply from Jerry's own reporting.
Maybe we're getting there, but the journey grows a bit tedious.
Ah yes, once again the "Wray is guilty" insinuations.....
Do you not have any questions for Johnson and Miles in light of the information that Bledsoe revealed?
Do you not have any questions for the several members of the Simpkins PAC?
Why don't you ask Hammer what his opinion about this case is now?
Ask him about his opinion of the RMA report while you're at it.
Posted by: Bubba | Dec 10, 2006 at 07:14 PM
They can't handle the truth !
Posted by: Fred Gregory | Dec 11, 2006 at 09:39 PM