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Dec 17, 2006


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Connie Mack Jr.

144 years ago today, Ulysses Grant issued General Order 11, the most stringent anti-Jewish measure in US history. Lincoln quickly ordered it revoked.*Ed

Ed! Are you aware that over 10,000 Jewish men of faith serve in the Confederate Army with 2000 of them being officers. I am sure with your vast knowledge about the War of Northern Aggression, you know about Treasure of the Confederate States was a man of Jewish faith . If you were General Grant and aware of these facts. What would you have done?

Ed Cone

I'm well aware of the history of Jewish Confederates, including members of my own family. Your numbers are wrong -- the total number of Jewish soldiers fighting for the South was probably more like 2,000 -- and you misstate Judah P. Benjamin's cabinet job (he had three, but not treasury). None of which begins to justify Grant's actions, which in any case had nothing to do with Jewish soldiers on the Confederate side.

Connie Mack Jr.

the total number of Jewish soldiers fighting for the South was probably more like 2,000 --* Ed

Really! Can you give us the source of that number or is that simply your opinion? The Confederate States archives await your source.

You misstate Judah P. Benjamin's cabinet job.*Ed

Okay! So Judah simply knew nobody in England to issue those large ship building contracts for Confederate warships in the future.

None of which begins to justify Grant's actions, which in any case had nothing to do with Jewish soldiers on the Confederate side.*Ed

Yeah! Sorted like Albert Pike saying he was a indian fighter for the Union forces before the Civil War.

What is this such a burning issue at this time Ed?

Connie Mack Jr.

What should be Why and Why are you fighting the civil war all over again with the jewish question?

Ed Cone

Numbers aren't opinions. The estimate of 2,000 Jewish troops comes from Robert Rosen's book, The Jewish Confederates.

Not sure what you are trying to say about Benjamin, but he did not serve as SecTreas as you stated -- he did serve as attorney general, secretary of war, and secretary of state.

I have no interest in refighting the Civil War, but I am interested in history and found that anniversary (of which I was informed by a reader) worth noting.

Connie Mack Jr.

Numbers aren't opinions. The estimate of 2,000 Jewish troops comes from Robert Rosen's book, The Jewish Confederates.* Ed

Maybe you should try reading this little jewel about the numbers instead of using the Times as the promotional tool for your opinion.

The Hunt for Confederate Gold
by Thomas Moore

Decentralization. Anti-war. Anti-Empire. Evil federal agents thwarted in the 21st century. Lincoln 's handiwork unraveling. Gold standard restored. There is nothing for LewRockwell.com readers not to like in Thomas Moore's novel released July 21. The author is a disillusioned former Pentagon official and Republican insider who has accepted that the Empire is irredeemable and knows where some of its weak spots are. He has given us a near-plausible, near future, hope-raising scenario of how it might be driven into retreat. Alexandria VA : Fusilier Books, 318 pp., $17.50 (quality paperback)

Rachels Review:
I had the opportunity to read "The Hunt for Confederate Gold " by Thomas Moore. It is a good thriller akin to "The Da Vinci Code." I devoured the book and could not put it down.

It blends both the War of Northern Agression , better known as the Civil War, and the war in Iraq . And it leads the reader on a chase for the elusive Confederate gold . But more than just a good story is the philosophy behind the book.It is a tale of the out-of-contol federal prosecution and the FBI ran amok. It is a discussion of the Leviathan-like federal government and how our liberties have been trampled on and our culture deteriorated. It is a story of hope for our future. Here is an example:"The foundation of a stable, moral society is a stable, honest currency, yet few of our fellow Southerners think about that. They focus on who's getting elected to this or that office, on who'sgetting appointed to the Supreme Court. They focus on all all the trappings of two-party politics, which is a rigged, fraudulent and even irrelevant enterprise.... People have been badly duped for decades by their so-called leaders and the kept media, made ignorant by [g]overnment schools, and made vulnerable to financial panic by the money cartel. Most people are virtual slaves, dependent on a debt-and- fiat money system that sucks them dry of their wealth yet provides no real security. It's possible that our people no longer have the courage and good sense to grasp the lifeline they being offered."
It is a must-read for the serious student of liberty.

I have no interest in refighting the Civil War, but I am interested in history and found that anniversary (of which I was informed by a reader) worth noting. *Ed

Of course not Ed! Neither do I or others. Let's start all over on this matter to get Grant off the hook with real facts.

Who is buried in Grant's Tomb?


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