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« Krugman on Paulson, Friedman on Iraq | Main | Wilmington »

Jun 02, 2006


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Perhaps the following quote from the WSJ artical captures best the source of the current problems in Iraq, "The missions in Iraq and Afghanistan grew from the moral outrage of September 11. U.S. troops, the best this country has yet produced, went overseas to defend us against repeating that day."

The fact is Saddam Hussein and Iraq had nothing to do with September 11th. The distortion, deceipt and deception by Bush and his cronies to tie the Iraq war of choice to September 11th and the failure to adequately execute, plan and commit adequate resources has led us to where we are today.

Our military is being broken by the failure of leadership starting with the commnader in chief.

Is there no end to this President's madness?

chip atkinson

Looks like there is no illegal action - Drudge just announced the findings.


From the editors of The Nation, "Whatever the responsibility of the unit commanders in Haditha, it is George W. Bush as Commander in Chief who has sent the clear message that human rights abuses and violations of international law are justified in the "war on terror.""


Clarification for Chip

GIs at Ishaqi Cleared; Haditha Probe Open

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