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« The gang's all here | Main | Reporting in and on Iraq »

May 18, 2006


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I believe Howard has crawled into a hole over the last year. Better to be unseen as the agenda he has worked so hard to support has grossly failed and the public is coming to grips with what a horrible disaster Iraq and the Bush regime have been for the US.

Its time for Howard to stop being a rubber stamp for the Administration. But this interview gives no hope that he understands the path the NSA has taken - a microcosm of the general level of deceipt, deception and dishonesty that form the core values of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice etc. coupled with their extraordinary incompetence.

Ed Cone

Actually, Howard has been pretty pragmatic in his comments about Iraq. That makes his statements in this interview especially disappointing.


Talk is cheap. Compare and contrast with Murtha.


"Talk is cheap."

Sure is. Witness the following:

"And what follows is a frightening glimpse into how deeply into the minds of the Congress's Republican leadership the lies and obfuscations of the Bush Administration have penetrated."

No agenda there, is it? LOL......

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