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« Pity the principled Senator | Main | VT Day! »

May 18, 2006


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Yeah - I understand Halliburton is setting up a new division with hiring bonuses for current members of our special forces.

Essentially, groups like Blackwater have converted the best of a lot of our special forces to hired and unregulated mercenaries - now we will do the same thing to protect our borders - it will cost more and we will get less.

But our army will be fleet of foot and modernized. I guess that is why it is being run into the ground by the Iraq war.


More examples of "talk is cheap".

Ed, why don't you combine all these threads today into one large BDS thread, and save us all a lot of time?

John C Godwin

I used to trust "Texans", but now I have my doubts. Why not cut the water off to prevent more damage before figuring out how to repace the damaged goods?

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